ⓇⒺⓋⒾⒺⓌ • Oh, what a hilarious, sweet and heartfelt story this was, perfect for this summer from hell. Helena Hunting can really do NO wrong. Every time I pick up one of her books I know that I'll end up in stitches, laughing my a** off and so full of feels that I'm left a little bit of hangovered.
Blaire and Ronan might not seem the most logical pairing but the way they complemented each other was a vision to behold. Determined to prove her worth and also that her dreams were worth fight for, Blaire embarks on a journey full of buttercream, unicorns and frosting. Having a day from hell a week before her grand opening, Blaire comes face to face with her new neighbour and things definitely start on the wrong foot with Ronan. A war emerges full of cupcakes, pranks, poop and glitter (don't ask just pick up the book!).
It was so awesomely funny to witness the back and forth between these two extremely different people and the slow burn built up to their relationship. I loved Blaire's take charge and take no sh*t attitude and the way it was counterbalanced with Ronan's laid back and witty personality. I absolutely adored their initial rivalry and the extremes each one would go to get a leg up over the other. And when they banded together to fight of a common enemy, THAT'S when they truly shined and became unstoppable. As I mentioned, this was a slow burn but when the fireworks started it was instantly KABOOM!!!! Ronan and Blaire's chemistry was off the charts but their connection was what made them absolutely epic! I loved their banter, every hilarious prank and basically every interaction they had, made me either laugh, swoon or cheer.
I'll honestly never get tired of HH's writing and as always she sucked me right in from the first page. I unequivocally adore her series, but every time she steps outside her established and true and tried worlds, she really sticks the landing.